27 Giu Meta Blue Print
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- Recensione
Domanda 1 di 30
1. Domanda
Where can an advertiser create a Custom Audience or lookalike audience?
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Domanda 2 di 30
2. Domanda
A business wants to sell products online. What ad format displays both a video and a product?
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Domanda 3 di 30
3. Domanda
What is a reason that an Ad would be rejected by Facebook?
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Domanda 4 di 30
4. Domanda
What is the first step of the campaign creation process in Ads Manager?
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Domanda 5 di 30
5. Domanda
Which two ad placement options are available inInstagram? (Choose 2)
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Domanda 6 di 30
6. Domanda
Why would an advertiser install a Facebook pixel?(Choose 2)
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Domanda 7 di 30
7. Domanda
A quick service restaurant client is launching a newdelivery service and wants to build awareness of theservice to a large number of people. The client wants tolaunch a campaign that reaches people ages 18–34interested in food and dining. The client has two types ofcreative: a ThruPlay video and a six-second video.
Which objective and placements should the clientuse?CorrettoNon corretti -
Domanda 8 di 30
8. Domanda
What is an advantage of the slideshow format when youdesign a mobile creative?
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Domanda 9 di 30
9. Domanda
A business wants to forecast reach. Which tool should an advertiser use to perform thistask?
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Domanda 10 di 30
10. Domanda
A car dealership wants to receive contact information from potential customers to increase test drives. Which ad objective is appropriate for this business?
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Domanda 11 di 30
11. Domanda
To activate the ad scheduling feature, which settingshould you select?
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Domanda 12 di 30
12. Domanda
If a business wants to retarget customers whopreviously purchased an item from its website, whataudience type should it use?
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Domanda 13 di 30
13. Domanda
A restaurant launches a video campaign for a newlocation. The goal is to maximize the number of timesthe video has started to play per impression. Which metric should be used to measuresuccess?
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Domanda 14 di 30
14. Domanda
Which two settings can you change at the ad set level?(Choose 2)
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Domanda 15 di 30
15. Domanda
Which feature is available for a Page post?
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Domanda 16 di 30
16. Domanda
Which Facebook campaign objective should be selected to generate sales on a website or app?
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Domanda 17 di 30
17. Domanda
To create an audience of people that signed up for abusiness newsletter, which audience creation tool shoulda business use?
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Domanda 18 di 30
18. Domanda
A retail business is launching a new shoe line with eightdifferent style and color combinations. All styles must beshown to the audience. However, the business isn’t surewhich products will sell best. The business wants to linkeach style page directly to the product to receive pixelinformation.
Which ad format should the retailer use to meet theserequirements?CorrettoNon corretti -
Domanda 19 di 30
19. Domanda
What action would a business want its customers to takeif it selects Conversions as its campaign objective?
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Domanda 20 di 30
20. Domanda
Which Facebook solution enables public figures,businesses, brands, organizations and nonprofits tocreate a presence and connect with anaudience?
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Domanda 21 di 30
21. Domanda
A company is delivering multiple ad sets and ads within asingle campaign. The company wants to know theamount spent on a specific ad set. Where can this be found?
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Domanda 22 di 30
22. Domanda
What is the first course of action required to establish abusiness presence on Instagram?
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Domanda 23 di 30
23. Domanda
What can a Facebook group help a business do?
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Domanda 24 di 30
24. Domanda
What is the first step required to establish a businesspresence on Facebook?
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Domanda 25 di 30
25. Domanda
On a Facebook business Page, where can a businessreview results for its boosted posts? (Choose 2)
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Domanda 26 di 30
26. Domanda
What are two roles available to manage an ad account? (Choose 2)
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Domanda 27 di 30
27. Domanda
An advertiser recently installed the Facebook pixel on itswebsite. At what level should the advertiser choose theconversion event optimization?
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Domanda 28 di 30
28. Domanda
What is the structure of a Facebook ad campaign?
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Domanda 29 di 30
29. Domanda
A candy company delivers a campaign to generatemaximum sales through its website. Which metric should the company use to evaluate thesuccess of the campaign?
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Domanda 30 di 30
30. Domanda
An advertiser is about to deliver a Facebook campaign. Where should the advertiser navigate to in Ads Manager to include Instagram in the campaign?
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